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Increase training speed

Increase training speed

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Increase training speed -

Both factors training age and actual age are a consideration when selecting the exercise frequency, intensity, time and type. There are 3 types of strength training that can help increase your speed development. Here I will go over the different methods and explain how and when to implement them into your training.

Note: Be aware that it is important to assess athletes based on their individual needs. Everything written here is only to be used as guidelines to help you organise your strength training more efficiently. Specific exercises can be used during any part of the season if there is a requirement for it!

This type of training is usually carried out preseason or during the early stages of a season. Note: Those new to resistance training should start with a maximum strength training program.

This is regardless of what stage you are at in your annual season. You should be able to perform technically sound max strength exercises such as the Squat and Deadlift before moving forward.

Max strength training involves working at submaximal efforts. This helps prepare the body for higher intensity training later on in the season by developing muscle and connective tissue tolerance.

The length of this period of training will vary depending on your training age see table above. Advanced athletes are unlikely to spend a long period of time performing maximum strength exercises.

They will already have a good level of strength, so will transfer their focus sooner to exercises with more sport specific transfer. If you are a beginner, then this stage is often longer as you need more time to develop your base strength.

Maximum strength training has no specific sport carryover, with the focus being on neural adaptations. The advantageous effect of this may depend on your sport. For example, a rugby player may wish to increase their mass, however, a m sprinter will want to stay lean.

If a sprinter comes in a bit heavy after this stage, we usually spend some time adjusting this in the next phase. The type of exercise that you need to include during this phase is multi-joint, compound movements. When performing an exercise, you should focus on keeping the eccentric phase of the lift slow and controlled.

The concentric phase of the lift should be performed quicker and with force! This is the most favourable to the rate of force development. As you begin to improve and develop good structural balance, look to increase the weight used for each exercise.

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run faster. increase speed. Focus on Form Improving your running form can help increase your speed and help you avoid injury.

Speed Workouts Speed workouts, also known as fartleks, are an easy way for anyone to incorporate training to increase speed. Strength Training Strength training increases muscle size, and as muscle size increases so does the capacity for blood, oxygen, and ATP cell energy.

HIIT Training HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training and is one of the quickest ways to get fit. Rest and Recover When doing any type of speed training it is important to remember to rest when needed. Conclusion Increasing your speed can be as easy as slightly altering your current workouts.

About the Author Flatkevin. Related Posts. Oct 4. Sep Aug Jul 7. Jun Jun 7. May Apr Improved running economy , also making it easier to maintain your goal pace. More reactive strength , improving the performance of plyometric exercises. Enhanced endurance , allowing you to finish a longer event or training session.

Fuller range of motion , which means more flexibility and agility. Stronger bones and tendons , reducing the risk of injury to these areas. Speed training can benefit clients of all types. Those who are training for a marathon can use speed training to improve their time, for instance.

It also benefits those engaged in half marathon training or when training for a 5k or 10k. Speed training is beneficial for any type of athlete who plays football, hockey, and soccer.

All these sports rely heavily on speed for peak performance. The athlete must be able to engage in quick acceleration and deceleration. Speed training assists with this. Speed training can be split into three categories or types: regular, assisted, and resisted.

In this type of speed training, no external force or resistance is applied. Sprinting is an example of a regular speed training exercise. The client simply tries to cover the shorter distance as quickly as possible.

Sprint training is a good speed exercise. This form of start and acceleration training involves running as fast as you can for 5 to 10 seconds, followed by a 60 to second recovery.

Speed endurance training is another option. It is like sprinting, except the running periods are longer. They can range from 30 seconds in duration, up to three minutes. tempo run, or running at a pace that is around 30 seconds per mile slower than your 5k race pace.

high intensity interval training, which involves alternating bursts of high-intensity exercise with short recovery phases. lateral shuffles, which can help you improve side acceleration and lateral speed. We'll dig into more of these speed exercises for the regular client a little later on in this article.

This speed training type is also known as overspeed training. It uses external forces to help the body increase speed while sprinting. One example is to sprint with the wind at your back. The force of the air pushes you forward, increasing stride frequency. This type of speed training helps athletes reach their maximum speed.

It provides speed and acceleration improvements , giving the athlete a little help along the way. Several exercises fall into the assisted speed training category.

Among them are:. Resisted speed training uses some type of resistance during the speed drill to increase leg muscle strength and endurance. It also increases muscle stride length.

If you do a sprint while pulling a weighted sled, you are engaging in resisted speed training. All of these drills create resistance during speed exercise.

Some provide more resistance than others. This type of training is better suited for a more advanced athlete. Incorporating resistance too early can increase injury risk. It may also make it harder for a lower-level athlete to keep proper form. To be a faster runner you have to, well, run more and run faster.

By pushing the limits at least once a week, your running clients will build fitness, endurance, and speed over time. There are several different kinds of speed workouts and drills you can do with them:.

Take your workout outdoors and find some hills to charge up for a great speed workout. You can use a treadmill with an adjustable incline, but going outside is much more fun. Uphill sprints at an all-out speed for 10 to 20 seconds should be followed by enough recovery time to bring the heart rate down a little.

This can be a really intense workout, so ease your runners into it. Start out small, do just a few reps per workout, and build on that strength with steeper inclines, more reps, and less recovery time.

Intervals runs are like HIIT workouts: you work at high intensity for a short period of time, recover, and do it again. If you have access to a track, use it for your interval speed workouts.

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Author: Akinogor

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