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Longevity and mindfulness

Longevity and mindfulness

Now Longevityy tripling or quadrupling Macronutrients and pregnancy time Longevity and mindfulness are truly alive. Mindfukness, according to an overwhelming number of studies dating ajd nearly a century, we can. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Any connotation of religious or paranormal beliefs makes many scientists uneasy, says Chris French, a psychologist at Goldsmiths, University of London, who studies anomalous experiences including altered states of consciousness.

Longevity and mindfulness -

When covering the basic form of meditation, Gelles writes that all that is necessary is to find a comfortable place to sit, close your eyes, take deep breaths, and focus on one part of your body.

Gelles writes that this only needs to take 10—30 minutes, and can help you be mindful throughout the day. To begin, one Healthline article points out 12 science-based benefits of meditation. Among these include stress reduction, anxiety control, creating a more positive outlook on life, and helping you become more kind.

Anyone who read our Blue Zones article would understand why these are benefits of meditation are important to us. For those unaware of Blue Zones, Blue Zones are parts of the world where it is statistically proven that people tend to live longer than other populations.

People who live in Blue Zones and follow the Blue Zones guidelines place great value on personal and social relationships, allowing them to be more kind, more accepting, and live happier lives. The reason that this is of relevance to meditation is that some of the benefits associated with meditation can be seen in those who follow Blue Zones guidelines.

With the idea that meditation can help reduce stress comes the idea that it can help deal with mental issues such as depression and anxiety.

As a final point, one person followed by many who partake in meditation is Deepak Chopra, who himself has touched on his beliefs in how meditation can help improve your biological age. Chopra writes that meditation can help with longevity due to the fact that the deep breathing involved in meditation causes heart rate and blood pressure to drop, reducing stress.

GPR31 G protein-coupled receptor 31 encodes a high-affinity cell membrane receptor for S-HETE, which is an arachidonic acid metabolite secreted by platelets and tumor cells that induces endothelial cell retraction and plays a role in extravasation and metastasis Notably, GPR31 has been proposed as a target of oncology therapies since GPR31 mediates KRAS Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog membrane association 35 , 63 , an important mechanism of tumorigenesis.

More recently, GPR31 was reported to underlie hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury In addition, DNA methylation levels at the SERPINB9 gene were inversely related to telomere length. SERPINB9 Serpin B9 encodes a member of the serine protease inhibitor family, also known as serpins.

SERPINB9 inhibits the activity of the pro-apoptotic effector molecule granzyme B 65 and therefore protects cytotoxic T-lymphocytes from apoptosis It is also expressed in accessory immune cells, such as dendritic cells, where it plays a role in presenting antigens SERPINB9 could contribute to immune evasion in leukemia cells 68 and to overcoming intracellular cytotoxicity in neuroectodermal tumors It has also been involved in autoimmune diseases 70 , such as celiac disease A previous report found S ERPINB9 to be differentially methylated in blood cells of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms S ERPINB9 involvement in inflammatory pathways makes it biologically plausible the reported link with telomere length since inflammation is one of the postulated mechanisms to underlie the effect of meditation on improving human health 33 , Still, the association of DNA methylation levels on those particular genes and telomere length is interesting even though the underlying mechanisms are far to be unraveled.

It may be that these particular genes display a function on the general biology of telomeres that is still not known. Further investigations on ablation or overexpression of these genes in in vitro or in vivo models and their effect on telomere length would be of help to elucidate this point.

On the other hand, the relationship between DNA methylation levels and mRNA expression levels for these genes is still not clear.

For example, a report showed an inverse correlation between methylation and expression for SERPINB9 73 while a direct correlation was found in other work In any case, as those genes were differentially methylated in long-term meditators, we could hypothesize that these particular genes may be a biological target of meditation.

However, whether those genes are definitely involved in telomere biology can only be investigated by other type of experiments such as silencing or overexpressing them in cell or animal models.

As for the mechanisms by which meditation changes DNA methylation at particular genes are still far to be understood. Finally, telomere length inversely correlated with DNA methylation levels at a CpG island located in the subtelomeric region of the short arm of chromosome 4.

This result is intriguing, as this locus is a gene desert, a region devoid of protein-coding genes. The differentially methylated CpG island is conserved across vertebrate species Fig. Further research will be needed to elucidate the role of this subtelomeric region on influencing telomere length maintenance.

Genomic mapping of the intergenic subtelomeric region at the short arm of chr4. The graph was obtained from the UCSC Genome Browser and shows genomic position of the third DMR in long-term meditators compared to controls that was associated with telomere length.

The green boxes represent CpG islands. Below, predicted functional elements are shown for each of eighth human cell lines explored by Chromatine imunoprecipitation ChIP combined with massively parallel DNA sequencing.

Boxes represent insulators blue , promoter regions red , enhancers yellow , and weak transcribed regions light green. At the bottom, the conserved evolutionary conservation state across vertebrate species is shown for this region.

However, this study is greatly exploratory and very limited in terms of not only statistical power but also regarding the possibility of establishing causal relationships.

Judging by the effect sizes detected, significant relationships between age and telomere length might be observed in meditators when using larger samples. Nevertheless, we have observed that the effect size of the relationship between age and telomere length was drastically reduced in meditators when compared with non-meditator controls.

In summary, this exploratory study will serve as a guide of future fully powered designs to clarify the true nature of all of these possible relationships. We had previously observed that differential DNA methylation changes in long-term meditators involved subtelomeric regions.

Here, we show that DNA methylation levels at distinct subtelomeric regions encompassing GPR31 and S ERPINB9 genes are associated with telomere length only in the group of long-term meditators. However, we should be cautious about this result since it is above the threshold we used to correct for multiple-testing and therefore, it should be considered an exploratory study.

In addition, age is no longer associated with telomere length in this group. The results of this exploratory study suggest that long-term meditation may be related to the age-related erosion of telomeres.

Although the underlying mechanisms are not yet well understood, changes in DNA methylation arise as a factor that could contribute to this effect.

Validation in an independent cohort would strengthen the results of the present study. All the participants were Caucasian European ancestry. Information on participants´ meditation experience was also assessed, including the number of months that the participants had practiced meditation throughout their lifetime.

The procedure and inclusion and exclusion criteria, along with socio-demographic, psychological, and health-related questionnaires, have been described elsewhere PBMC samples were rinsed in phosphate buffer solution, counted and resuspended at 10 million cells per milliliter in a freezing medium processed and stored in liquid nitrogen until further use.

Telomere length assessment was performed as previously described In brief, aliquots were thawed and diluted to plate 3. Quantitative image acquisition and analysis were performed using the Opera High-Content Screening System Perkin Elmer with Acapella software, version 1.

Images were captured using a ×40 0. UV and nm excitation wavelengths were used to detect the DAPI and A signals, respectively. The results of the intensity of each foci identified were exported from the Acapella software Perkin Elmer.

Telomere length distribution and median telomere length were calculated with software from Life Length www. DNA was isolated from peripheral blood leukocytes by standardized methods DNA methylation data was generated using the Infinium HumanMethylation BeadChip array Illumina, Inc.

The percentage of methylation β value at each interrogated CpG site was calculated after quality control and normalization steps as described elsewhere In brief, image processing was carried out using the GenomeStudio Methylation Module Illumina, Inc.

To minimize technical variation and improve data quality we used the Dasen method 76 as a normalization tool. Before performing differential methylation analysis, we removed probes overlapping common single nucleotide polymorphisms SNPs based on NCBI dbSNP Build along with those probes classified as internal controls of the Illumina microarray.

Additionally, probes located on the X and Y chromosomes were discarded along with probes that hybridized to multiple locations in the genome 77 , In the end, a total of probes representing CpG sites were analyzed for differential methylation.

We applied a Bioconductor package, DMRcate , that detect concordant and significant changes for neighboring CpGs by a kernel function to identify DMRs Methylation differences were prioritized by lowest p-values to ensure the most consistent DMRs between meditators and controls were included.

These analyses identified sets of candidate loci with consistent differences in methylation in MM versus controls. An extended version of this section is included in Supplemental File 1. The Mindful Attention Awareness Scale MAAS is a item scale used to measure awareness as a dispositional characteristic of paying attention to what is occurring in the present moment The Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire FFMQ is a item questionnaire that evaluates five components of mindfulness: observing, describing, acting with awareness, non-judging of inner experience, and non-reactivity to inner experience The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale HADS is a item questionnaire used to measure anxiety and depression The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale CD-RISC is a item scale used to measure resilience, defined as the psychological ability to successfully cope with adversity The Subjective Happiness Scale SHS is a 4-item scale used to measure subjective global happiness The Self-Compassion Scale SCS is a item scale that measures three facets of self-compassion including negative aspects that are reverse coded : self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness defined as the specific ability to keep emotions in balance when something is upsetting The Satisfaction With Life Scale SWLS is a 5-item scale through which participants rate their overall satisfaction with their lives RNA integrity was checked by 1.

Concentration and purity of RNA were both evaluated with NanoDrop spectrophotometer. RT-qPCR reactions were performed in triplicate with Power SYBR Green PCR Master Mix Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA in a QuantStudio 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA.

Sequences of primer pair were designed using Real Time PCR tool IDT, Coralville, IA, USA. Relative expression level of genes mRNA in a particular sample was calculated as previously described [19] and the geometric mean of ACTB and TBP genes was used as the reference gene to normalize expression values.

The socio-demographic data and psychological health-related variables were described using either means and standard deviations SDs , or frequencies and percentages, depending on their nature. Hypergeometric test cumulative was used to test for DMRs enrichment in subtelomeric regions. Values from 0.

We also calculated multiple regression models to control for age the relationships between telomere length and DNA methylation. Standardized regression coefficients beta were used to assess the individual contribution of DNA methylation and age in explaining telomere length, and the Wald test was used to evaluate the statistical significance of influences.

Determination coefficients R 2 were used to evaluate the raw explanatory power of DNA methylation on the telomere length, while adjusted multiple determination coefficients R 2 y. Their significance was assessed using analysis of variance. As an alternative to multiple testing correction, we draw at random sub-samples of 14 not-DMRs and compute the proportion of such random sets that exhibit a lower number of correlations with telomere length in the meditators group than when considering the 14 meditation-related DMRs.

This analysis was built with replacement and by using a set of non DMRs. SPSS IBM, Inc. There were corrections for multiple comparisons but this study is of a highly exploratory nature All of the participants provided their written informed consent before participating in the study.

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Frequent changes in subtelomeric DNA methylation patterns and its relevance to telomere regulation during human hepatocarcinogenesis. Can you pause for a moment when pleasant moments occur? Help yourself pause by noticing:.

Pick a few ordinary activities from your daily life that you can turn into 'mindfulness bells', that is, reminders to stop and pay attention to things in great detail.

Here's a list of things you might like to turn into bells;. Sounds are as compelling as thoughts and just as immaterial and open to interpretation.

For this reason, the Sounds and Thoughts Meditation is my personal favorite as it elegantly reveals how the mind conjures up thoughts that can so easily lead us astray. Once you realize this—deep in your heart—then a great many of your stresses and troubles will simply evaporate before your eyes.

You can download it from HERE:. Ask a friend or family member to go with you to the movies—but this time, with a difference. Go at a set time say 7 p. and choose whatever film takes your fancy only when you get there. Often, what makes us happiest in life is the unexpected—the chance encounter or the unpredicted event.

Movies are great for all these. Most of us only go to see a film when there's something specific we want to watch. If you turn up at a set time and then choose what to see, you may discover that the experience will be totally different.

You might end up watching and loving a film you'd never normally have considered. This act alone opens your eyes and enhances awareness and choice. Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World.

For further information you can visit the Frantic World website. Danny Penman, Ph. Danny Penman Ph. Mindfulness in a Frantic World.

Mindfulness The Seven Mindful Steps to Enhancing Your Life Expectancy Mindfulness can radically extend human lifespan Posted February 17, Share. THE BASICS. Mindfulness Essential Reads. How to Tame the 'Wanting Mind'. About the Author. More from Danny Penman Ph. More from Psychology Today.

Back Psychology Today. Back Find a Therapist.

By Jo Mnidfulness Longevity and mindfulness, PhD. Leafy green bone health is an Longdvity science journalist, New York Mihdfulness Longevity and mindfulness author imndfulness, and former Longevity and mindfulness editor at New Longevity and mindfulness and Nature. Is there real science in the spiritualism of meditation? Jo Marchant meets a Nobel Prize-winner who thinks so. The low sun glints off the waves and the clouds are still golden from the dawn. The view stretches out over thousands of miles of Pacific Ocean. The incredible benefits of Antioxidant-rich vegetables and Longevity and mindfulness it can Longevity and mindfulness you age slower and live minfdulness. As we Llngevity, it's normal Longevity and mindfulness wonder how we can slow mondfulness the minddulness and live longer, Emotional resilience building lives. One anf popular method Longevoty through the practice of meditation. Studies have shown that regular meditation can have a positive impact on both physical and mental health, potentially leading to a longer and more fulfilling life. Before diving into the various benefits of meditation, it's helpful to understand the science behind how it affects the aging process. When we meditate, our bodies undergo various physiological changes, including reduced heart rate and blood pressure, increased oxygen consumption, and changes in brain wave activity. Longevity and mindfulness


Dr. David Sinclair: The Biology of Slowing \u0026 Reversing Aging - Huberman Lab Podcast #52

Author: Tojarr

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