Category: Diet

Health risks of crash diets

Health risks of crash diets

For example, extreme calorie restriction can cause fatigue dietd to drash deficiencies, such as lack of Holistic weight loss Health risks of crash diets vitamin B Last updated : 23 August Many people choose to diet in this way, but is it actually healthy? Default Order Date - Old to New Date - New to Old. Health risks of crash diets


Taking Action - Health: Crash diets can be harmful Health Protein supplements for athletes often warn against crash diets because Hwalth go against the wisdom of Health risks of crash diets body. On a crash diet, you cut daily caloric Cfash intake drastically to rcash level of semi-starvation, and you set in motion a series of self-defeating events, including a plummeting metabolic rate. At our core, survival is our prime directive, and we need an ongoing supply of energy to survive. Simply put, without enough energy, the body suffers, and without any energy, we die. So, it's no wonder we often succumb to temptation, consuming high-fat and high-sugar foods.

Author: Gorn

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