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Sustained weight loss

Sustained weight loss

Weightt Glucose monitor strips Dropout by Female Injury prevention nutrition Patients Treated with a Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Promote Weight Loss. Walk Glucose monitor strips any Sustakned store Sustainde and you'll be bombarded with reduced-fat snacks, dairy, and packaged meals. Weight loss: 6 strategies for success Follow these proven strategies to reduce your weight and boost your health. The Eating Inventory in obese women: clinical correlates and relationship to weight loss. Some people may be able to lose weight and sustain weight loss with exercise, but most weight regain is attributable to eating more, rather than moving less, so diet should be a major focus.

Sustained weight loss -

reported that 8. In a study by Vogels et al. However, in the future, we will need to modify and improve our CBT program to focus on factors that were thought to be associated with long-term successful weight loss maintenance in the present study, which will lead to even better results for our patients.

When signs of disinhibition or addiction towards certain types of food e. Also, additional support or alternative options after weight loss intervention could be considered for those persons who are risk of weight gain. A larger weight reduction during the weight loss phase and a lower disinhibition score or food addiction at the end of the weight loss phase predicted successful weight loss maintenance.

Participants who lose less weight during the weight loss phase and who have a tendency toward disinhibition or food addiction are vulnerable to regaining weight after intervention. Early intervention should be done when these signs are seen, and more intensive or prolonged intervention and frequent follow-up should be considered for such patients after the weight loss phase.

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fMRI reactivity to high-calorie food pictures predicts short- and long-term outcome in a weight-loss program. Download references. The authors thank Junko Sakaguchi and Akemi Kugimaru, national registered nutritionists, for nutritional guidance. We also thank Junji Kishimoto, Ph. This study was supported by a Research Grant for Nervous and Mental Disorders from the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare of Japan, a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, funding for a clinical research base development project GAQQ from the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare of Japan, and a Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology in Japan N.

Sudo: No. RS participated in its design, data collection, statistical analysis, and drafted the manuscript. TN participated in its design, data collection, statistical analysis, and helped draft the manuscript. KG helped draft the manuscript.

NS conceived of the study, participated in its design, and coordination and helped draft the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University.

Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Maidashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, , Japan. School of Health Sciences, Fukuoka, International University of Health and Welfare, Okawa, Japan.

You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to Ryoko Sawamoto. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4. Reprints and permissions.

Sawamoto, R. et al. Predictors of successful long-term weight loss maintenance: a two-year follow-up. BioPsychoSocial Med 11 , 14 Download citation.

Received : 23 December Accepted : 09 May Published : 06 June Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative.

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Abstract Background Weight regain is a common problem following weight loss intervention, with most people who seek treatment for obesity able to lose weight, but few able to sustain the changes in behavior required to prevent subsequent weight regain.

Methods Ninety women with overweight or obesity completed a 7-month weight loss intervention. Results The intervention was successful for 27 participants Conclusion The results suggest that larger weight reduction during the weight loss intervention and lower levels of disinhibition and food addiction at the end of the weight loss intervention predicted successful weight loss maintenance.

Trial registration Trial registry name: Development and validation of effective treatments of weight loss and weight-loss maintenance using cognitive behavioral therapy for obese patients. Registration ID: UMIN Registered 1 January Background Weight regain is a common problem following weight loss intervention [ 1 ], with most people who seek treatment for obesity able to lose weight, but few able to sustain the changes in behavior required to prevent subsequent weight regain [ 2 ].

Methods Study design This investigation was a part of a randomized, controlled study that consisted of a two-phase trial that examined two strategies for maintaining weight loss, as previously reported [ 9 , 10 ].

Recruitment and entry We recruited participants through a local newspaper, the university website, posters in the university hospital and hospitals near the university, and a television program.

Weight loss intervention Cooper et al. Anthropometric and body composition measurement At the entry visit, a fully automatic measuring system Fancics MX was used to measure height and body weight.

Assessment of obesity-related comorbidities Type 2 diabetes mellitus T2DM and Hypertension HT were assessed as obesity-related comorbidities. Psychological assessment All participants completed a battery of self-reported psychosocial inventories before and at the end of the weight loss phase.

Depression Depression was evaluated using the Japanese version of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale CES-D , for which test-retest reliability and concurrent validity have been thoroughly documented [ 19 ].

Anxiety Anxiety was evaluated using the Japanese version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory STAI , validated by Nakazato and Nizuguchi [ 21 ]. Binge eating Binge eating was evaluated using the Binge Eating Scale BES [ 23 ].

Eating behavior Eating behavior was evaluated using the Japanese version of the Three Factors Eating Questionnaire TFEQ , for which high consistency and construct validity have been confirmed for use with patients who are obese and overweight [ 24 ].

Food addiction Food addiction was evaluated using the Yale Food Addiction Scale YFAS. Follow-up After the month weight loss and weight maintenance intervention, the participants were instructed to measure and record their body weight every week and to visit the hospital every 6 months for follow-up.

Statistical analysis The weight loss maintenance pattern was first analyzed by comparing the characteristics of the subjects deemed successful or unsuccessful at the month and month follow-ups. Results Of the women with overweight or obesity who participated, 90 completed the 7-month weight loss and weight maintenance intervention.

Table 1 Univariate analysis of weight loss maintenance at the month follow-up Full size table. Table 2 Multiple logistic regression analysis withmonth successful weight loss maintenance as the dependent variable Full size table. Table 3 Univariate analysis of weight loss maintenance at the month follow-up Full size table.

Table 4 Multiple logistic regression analysis with month successful weight loss maintenance as the dependent variable Full size table. Discussion Our multiple logistic regression analysis at both 12 and 24 months after the group CBT weight loss intervention demonstrated that a large amount of weight loss during the weight loss intervention and a low disinhibition score at the end of weight loss intervention was associated with successful weight loss maintenance.

Conclusion A larger weight reduction during the weight loss phase and a lower disinhibition score or food addiction at the end of the weight loss phase predicted successful weight loss maintenance. Abbreviations BED: Binge eating disorder CBT: Cognitive behavioral treatment DES-D: Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale BMI: Body Mass Index DPP: Diabetes Prevention Program DSM: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders fMRI: functional magnetic resonance imaging HEAD: Action for Health in Diabetes n CPAP: Nasal continuous positive airway pressure NIH: National Institutes of Health NWCR: National Wight Control Registry OSA: Obstructive sleep apnea STAI: State-Trait Anxiety Inventory TFEQ: Three Factors Eating Questionnaire VLDL: Very low-calorie diet YFAS: Yale Food Addiction Scale.

References Wadden TA, Butryn ML, Byrne KJ. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Teixeira PJ, Going SB, Sardinha LB, Lohman TG.

Furthermore, those who sleep for short periods of time are simply tired and therefore less motivated to exercise and make healthy food choices. Sleeping for at least seven hours a night is optimal for weight control and overall health Sleeping for healthy lengths of time may help with weight maintenance by keeping your energy levels up and hormones under control.

In fact, high stress levels can contribute to weight regain by increasing levels of cortisol, which is a hormone released in response to stress Consistently elevated cortisol is linked to higher amounts of belly fat, as well as increased appetite and food intake Fortunately, there are many things you can do to combat stress, including exercise, yoga and meditation.

It is important to keep stress levels under control to maintain your weight, as excess stress may increase the risk of weight gain by stimulating your appetite. One strategy to overcome this is to find a support system that will hold you accountable and possibly partner up with you in your healthy lifestyle.

A few studies have shown that having a buddy to pursue your goals with may be helpful for weight control, especially if that person is a partner or spouse with similar healthy habits 52 , One of these studies examined the health behaviors of over 3, couples and found that when one person engaged in a healthy habit, such as exercise, the other was more likely to follow their example Involving a partner or spouse in your healthy lifestyle may boost the likelihood that you will maintain your weight loss.

Those who log their food intake in a journal, online food tracker or app may be more likely to maintain their weight loss 35 , 54 , 55 , Food trackers are helpful because they enhance your awareness of how much you are really eating, since they often provide specific information about how many calories and nutrients you consume.

Here are some examples of calorie counting websites and apps. Several studies link high vegetable intake to better weight control 57 , 58 , For starters, vegetables are low in calories.

You can eat large portions without putting on weight, while still consuming an impressive amount of nutrients 40 , 59 , Also, vegetables are high in fiber, which increases feelings of fullness and may automatically reduce the number of calories that you eat during the day 61 , 62 , Vegetables are high in fiber and low in calories.

Both of these properties may be helpful for weight maintenance. Instead of on-and-off dieting that ends with going back to old habits, it is best to stick with your new healthy diet and lifestyle for good. While adopting a new way of life may seem overwhelming at first, making healthy choices will become second nature when you get used to them.

Maintaining weight loss is simple when you are consistent with your new healthy habits, rather than going back to your old lifestyle. Mindful eating is the practice of listening to internal appetite cues and paying full attention during the eating process.

It involves eating slowly, without distractions, and chewing food thoroughly so you can savor the aroma and taste of your meal. When you eat this way, you are more likely to stop eating when you are truly full.

If you eat while distracted, it can be difficult to recognize fullness and you may end up overeating 64 , 65 , Studies show that mindful eating helps with weight maintenance by targeting behaviors that are commonly associated with weight gain, such as emotional eating 67 , 68 , Mindful eating is helpful for weight maintenance because it helps you recognize fullness and may prevent unhealthy behaviors that commonly lead to weight gain.

The reason why many people fail at maintaining their weight is because they follow unrealistic diets that are not feasible in the long term. They end up feeling deprived, which often leads to gaining back more weight than they lost in the first place once they go back to eating normally.

This looks different for everyone, but essentially it means not being too restrictive, staying consistent and making healthy choices as often as possible. It is easier to maintain weight loss when you make sustainable lifestyle changes, rather than following the unrealistic rules that many weight loss diets focus on.

However, there are plenty of simple changes you can make to your habits that are easy to stick with and will help you maintain your weight loss in the long term. Through your journey, you will realize that controlling your weight involves much more than what you eat.

Exercise, sleep and mental health also play a role. It is possible for weight maintenance to be effortless if you simply adopt a new lifestyle, rather than going on and off weight loss diets. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

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Nutrition Evidence Based The 17 Best Ways to Maintain Weight Loss. By Brianna Elliott, RD on January 16, Why People Regain Weight. Exercise Often. Try Eating Breakfast Every Day.

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